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The OECD and Tax Havens

Introduction - There has been a lot of press on the tax havens and the OECD with talk of black lists etc. This is all nonsense and noise in the G20 police state controlled media. We will take a harder look at this to show you it is just a distraction to try to throw blame on the tax havens for the stupid financial practices of the G20 and their fiat money. The tax havens are responsible for maybe 1% of their problems at most, probably much less than that.

Panama - Panama publicly said that they would comply with the OECD request recently to make bank records available with probable cause for tax evasion on a case-by-case basis ONLY after the other 70 OECD countries signed it. No blanket turning over of records. Do not hold your breath for this to happen. The term for this is called a level playing field; every country has to compete on equal footing. At the meeting of G20 as a condition of agreeing to the proposal China got a black list exemption for Hong Kong and Macao, as did the UK for Jersey and Isle of Mann.

Since the OECD does not wish to have a level playing field this will go nowhere. Please also note that Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Cuba, the Arab nations and others appear on none of their lists at all. Do not for one second believe that Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, the Arab nations etc. cooperate with the USA for exchange of information. Never happen. Shows you how superficial the OECD is. Many countries will not agree to this latest nonsense from the G20 controlled OECD and they can be on a list of all the colors of the rainbow for all they will care.

What about the Swiss, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg – Do not believe the mainstream media, which is controlled by the G20. These countries have said they will agree in principal to treating tax evasion as a matter that justifies the opening of bank records on a case-by-case basis with probable cause. No blanket opening of records. The next thing is that each of these countries has to execute treaties to this effect with all the 70 nations (69 others) and these treaties need to be ratified by their legislatures. Imagine trying to agree on the wording, terms, conditions etc. Think 70 countries could do this in what two years, three years, maybe five years. How one would get probable cause with an anonymous bearer Share Company is a good question that we cannot find any answers for.

What these countries are doing is called paying lip service to the USA, UK and waiting for the other shoe to drop which is the serious devaluation of the currency of the big G20 nations like USA and UK thrusting them into hyper-inflation. This is the end of their dreams of world domination by passing off bogus fiat money on the world as if it was real. Their military empires will become unaffordable. They will need to convert their fiat money into other currencies and then every time they water down their money supply they need more of their currency to buy other currencies.

The USA, UK, Germany are acting as if everything is the same and it is not. They are all broke. This is best evidenced by Gordon Brown the PM of UK clamoring about screaming one world order after the G20 meeting. Nothing could be further than the truth. These goofs are incapable of establishing a one-world order let alone keeping one running. They always seem to destroy themselves with their limitless greed, corruption, infighting, secrecy, paranoia, never admitting they were wrong about anything and a strong tendency to deny facts.

What is to Come - This was a lot of hot air the so called tax havens spouted forth to shine on the USA and UK who are basically clinging to the offshore havens as a scapegoat to distract people from their greed and stupidity that has bankrupted them along with several other nations and caused a general financial crisis in the world. You can't fool all the people all the time. Not too many world leaders are dumb enough to think the people that caused this crisis are capable of fixing it. Before the end of the year you will see one new global currency emerge. It will be asset based. It will also have a new wire system that the USA and EU cannot monitor or exert any control over.

The USA, UK and the other big G20 players will not be involved. It is impossible to run a sound economic system with these countries, they try to control and corrupt everything they touch. We are not talking about anything going through the IMF. The collective populations of the nations participating will be in the billions. The propaganda media controlled by the G20 players will not mention this to you until it is operating openly and then they have no choice.

Once this happens the USA controlled OECD will be well on its way down memory lane. This will mean a slow but certain economic death for the G20 fiat money guys who think the world is stupid enough to let them control the world by running their printing presses. They have proved themselves to be untrustworthy, deceptive in the monetary practices, using their fiat money to conduct wars constantly while attempting to disarm civilians so as they cannot offer any resistance, prevent nations from developing nukes while they increase their own arsenals while they tout a one world order without telling you it is their one world order that they will run and control. The scariest thing is these countries treat their citizens as if they were their enemies, which makes one wonder.

China and Russian Federation – This is the nemesis of the USA and UK. China and Russia have had it with the USA freely and recklessly printing money and messing with the world economy while using this money to build a military and bait them with cold wars. This was their big mistake. Now these two countries want away from the USD as a reserve currency and on this they are firm. So that is where the USA and UK went astray by arrogantly alienating Russia and China. Please bear in mind when you are in a cold war with another super power you do not want them monitoring all your international wire transfers as the USA has been doing since 2002.

Actual Latest OECD List – Please note that amongst many others the following countries do not appear on the list anywhere: Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Lebanon and the other Arab nations and we could keep going. Don’t think these countries are sharing information with the USA. Costa Rica and Uruguay are on the black list and you can send and receive wires freely from and to these countries. The OECD is a civil organization just like the Auto Club, or Sierra Club. It can exert influence but is has no legal authority to do a thing.