
Recent Posts by admin

The End Of Swiss Bank Secrecy Not Hardly

A couple of weeks ago Swiss Federal Council released a statement that can make one question the Swiss bank secrecy. But wait, don't worry! The Swiss government officially announced that they no longer wants "undeclared, untaxed funds from overseas". The council further said that it will take action to "regularize untaxed assets" in Swiss banks and...
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Switzerland Stands Up To The World

Executive Summary - The Swiss warned the USA on Friday May 1, 2009 that any further attempts to demand UBS bank to turn over the names of some 52,000 of its private banking clients would threaten the entering into any new tax treaty with the USA. The Swiss went on to say that the release of...
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The OECD and Tax Havens

Introduction - There has been a lot of press on the tax havens and the OECD with talk of black lists etc. This is all nonsense and noise in the G20 police state controlled media. We will take a harder look at this to show you it is just a distraction to try to throw...
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The Financial Crisis Will Benefit Offshore Jurisdictions

The current financial turmoil isn’t maybe benefitting the offshore jurisdictions and industry at the moment. But we’re most sure it will in the near future. Mr. President Barack Obama is talking about different protection strategies for the USA, and so is the European Union. These protection strategies will lead to conflicts between countries, and it...
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